Scripture Reference: Matthew 6:33 NLT (New Living Translation)


Matthew 6:33 tells us to “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need”.


I was at home and decided to do some writing. I turned on my computer and began doing other things while it warmed up. After a few minutes, I returned to the computer and noticed the tower was on, but there was no picture on the screen. Quickly I realized that I had turned on the computer but not the monitor. As I pressed the power button a thought crossed my mind — how often do we find ourselves wondering where God is in our lives? We activate our faith, pray, read our Bibles, everything. But for some reason cannot see God at work in our situation. We sometimes do everything we know to do, but can’t find God anywhere. Perhaps it’s not because God isn’t with us (because He said He’ll always be with us – Hebrews 13:5), but maybe, just maybe all we need is a shift in perception.


I’ve found on several occasions that I believed God was with me, I knew He was, but I could not see how He was present in my life. I asked Him to make His presence plain to me and His response was surprising. Thinking over these times I realize that I could not see God at work because I expected Him to show up in a very specific way. And when He did not answer my prayers in an expected manner or resolve issues on the timetable I had set, I wondered what He was up to. defines perception as “(a) the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses. […] (c) a way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something; a mental impression.” The point of view or perception through which we view and experience life is very important. Our perception of ourselves, others, and life are impacted by what we’ve gone through in the past; where we are currently; and what we expect to receive and achieve in the future. That is why every morning as I put on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6: 10 – 18) – when it comes to the Helmet of Salvation, I ask God to help me see life through His eyes.  While I may only see things a certain way, God sees it all. He has a 360-degree view of every issue, problem, and resolution.  Allowing God to be our eyes introduces us to His heavenly perspective. Experiencing life from this heavenly perspective changes how we think about ourselves, how we interact with others. It will impact the way we approach situations and how we deal with life issues.


Perhaps you’re dealing with some things that are not easily solved just because we’ve entered into a new year. Maybe you need the reassurance that God truly is with you at all times and in all situations. Or maybe you’re just waiting to see how God will show His presence in your life. Regardless of where we stand, God is here with us. As we make our way into 2018 let’s make a conscious decision to ask God to reveal Himself to us. And to shift our perceptions so we don’t miss out on what He is doing in us, through us and around us. Let’s take the time now to invite God into our situations and help us not just get through this coming year, but to thrive within it.



Lord thank you for your presence.  Lord shift our perceptions of what we think it should look like when You’re at work in our lives. Help us to seek Your point of view instead of exerting our own. Help us to be sensitive to Your presence and see life through Your eyes. Lord remove any veils that obstruct our view of You. We want to see Your glory!  In Jesus Name, Amen!!