“Therefore The Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and call His name Immanuel.”
Isaiah 7:14

As the city town hall bells ring declaring the excitement of the Christmas season, we sense a marvelous warmth flowing from our hearts for others. The Most Glorious and Magnificent Splendor: Greatest Introduction and Demonstration of Almighty God’s Love and Grace came in the silence of the midnight hour while most folks were tucked away asleep in their beds. Awake would be Joseph and Mary about to deliver the greatest gift that the world has ever known. I can imagine the heavenly witnesses of the birth of Christ: God Himself and the heavenly host singing praises and giving glory to The Highest. On earth, the announcement of Christ’s birth was not widely spread, no one knew except for some field shepherds caring for their flock in the night and magi (known as astrologers) who observed the eastern star and remembered the prophecies about the birth of Christ and went looking for Him. Not much was happening in the town of Bethlehem. No one expected anything extraordinary to occur. There was no grand public announcement to the city of Bethlehem. They were ordinary common people living daily to care for their families with the hope of a better tomorrow, some probably familiar with the messianic prophecies but hearing them for such a long time had become routine. They had not personally witnessed any signs in Bethlehem from God like their Forefathers and ancestors once did. Yet, I would think that they desired to see and feel the acts of God working on their behalf. God was at work but they didn’t see it. The world as it was known over 2,000 years ago didn’t have social media venues: Internet, Instagram, Facebook, or mobile phones to send and receive breaking news that God was coming to dwell with His people.  We live in a world not much different from ancient biblical times. Our world still thrives and depends on what they can feel, see and touch; we want to be wooed by mysterious signs and wonders; something to somehow prove the super natural existence of God and that He cares for us in action. Indeed, God did announce His coming and the way He would come, by His spoken Word through His prophets Isaiah and Zachariah written as prophecies in the Old Testament Scriptures. Our loving God has always desired to dwell with His people since the beginning of time for humanity. The greatest Heavenly sign that has ever occurred beyond anyone’s comprehension on earth was the virgin birth of Jesus.

Our Father in Heaven,  “Abba Father”, desires to dwell with us and has chosen His Son as the way. The fullness of God is in His Son Jesus Christ. Jesus spoke these words: “I and the Father are one” (John 10:30), and “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). The virgin birth of His Son Jesus was the greatest sign and proclamation of God’s unconditional love towards us. The concept of His love gift is beyond our natural understanding and the grandeur or magnitude of His love is unmeasurable.  Yes, He is able to give signs and work wonders according to His purposes for Christ name sake, but only within His timing, so let’s become people who learn how to “rest” in Jesus and stand in awe of His mighty works done on our behalf, a redeemed life. God has given us His testimony and purpose for giving His Son as His gift to us, “And this is His testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son” (1 John 5:11).

Hallelujah! Today, we have the gift of eternal life. Today, we can live this life in the full purposes of Holy Father in Jesus Christ. Today, we can praise Jesus who is The Lord of Righteousness and gives us His righteousness, so that we can live a victorious life.  Today and forever we have the covenant seal of The Holy Spirit in Christ.  So this Christmas season in the year of 2015, while we are enjoying family feasts and unwrapping gifts, let us remember the first and greatest gift ever given, the gift of life in the present and future; eternal life, the gift of love, the gift of peace, joy, laughter and victory from God our Father in Christ. God is with us forever.

Reflection and Prayer: Our Father, I am so thankful for the gift of life in Christ. I praise You for who You are “The I Am”, One who knows all things. Lord, help me this Christmas season to receive Your gift of true love by unwrapping my heart of things not pleasing to You.  Give me holy boldness in love to be a testimony for You. May I find all of my joy in You this Christmas, in Christ’s Name, Amen!