Suggested Reading: Genesis 1:26-28 and Psalms 139
The Book of Genesis beautifully describes God’s Love in creating the beginning of existence in all things. God spoke into existence the universe and the animal kingdom and said it was “Good”, He then created male and female in His image and according to His likeness and blessed the first man named Adam and the first woman named Eve. God’s purpose for creating human beings was so that He could have eternal fellowship, which is His Highest priority. God knew the first family intimately and they knew Him. They knew His voice and Presence as He met with them during the cool of the day. Adam and Eve only knew who they were through the image of the Triune God and His Love for them. The very core of their relationship with God was internal and not external. This ordained relationship was unconditional in that God also created humanity with a free will. All of creation was in Harmony with God’s purpose for His creation and life was good in Paradise for the first family.
Unfortunately, the life of Adam and Eve began to unravel as they started to desire things outside of the laws and boundaries of God. The Genesis account tells how temptation entered life as it was known in the beginning and how Adam and Eve accepted the temptation, thereby, rebelling against God and bringing into existence sin and the fall of humanity from a righteous relationship with God. The birth of sin in the lives of the first family opened their eyes for the first time to external conditions by focusing on how they looked physically. What God called Good, they now were ashamed of and tried to cover up their guilt by sewing fig leaves as clothing, later to be referred to as Fig-leaf religion.
Reflection and Prayer: God You know who I am. Show me where I have been focusing on the external and neglecting the internal. Where in my life have I allowed sin to rule and I am now covering up because I am ashamed. Lord, search me O’ God, try me, and know my anxieties, and see if there is any wicked way in me. Forgive me my sin, restore me, and lead me in the way everlasting. (Psalm 139:23-24) In Jesus Name. Amen.