The New Year is a time when many people create resolutions to do more, do better, accomplish what they have not done before, complete unfinished projects, and master those things that slipped through their fingers the past year. But Jesus came that we might have life and have it abundantly (John 10:10).

As we step into 2015, I sense the Lord urging us not to make resolutions and conditions of how we will live our lives next year on our own. Instead, God wants us to hear His heart and come closer to Him. I sense Him saying, “I am 100% in charge. I will love you, bless you, and make changes within you. Through it all I will be with you, but you have to let me lead. You have to trust me. And you must trust My process.”

Let Go And Let God

God is in the process of transforming us. 2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us that when we accepted Christ we became a new creation. But what does that mean? We’re leaving the old ways of thinking and doing behind to grasp and learn new ways of living. Essentially we are going to learn how to walk in the Spirit and have the mind of Christ. However, too often we seem to forget that while we are saved at the moment we accept Jesus as our Savior, the process to deprogram our old mindsets, attitudes and behaviors takes time (Ephesians 4:21-24).

Jesus Paid The Price For Our Sins

Jesus paid it all – all that’s happened in the past, all that’s happening today and all that will happen in our future. He’s paid the price for our sins. There is nothing too big for God to handle. He is not intimidated by our life issues or problems. He has our backs.

When we make wrong decisions and feel all hope is lost, God can redeem them. When God tells us to do one thing and we do another, He forgives us if we repent. When we try to follow God’s direction and miss the mark, He applauds that we gave it our best try. God loves us so much that He gives grace when we need it, forgiveness when we need it, love and acceptance when we need it. He’s there for us.

As Christians, we are followers of Christ. Our journey with Him provides development opportunities for us to see the Lord, learn who He is and exude the characteristics of Christ. When we accept Jesus as our Savior, we give him full reign to be 100% in charge of us. That means every aspect of our lives – our families, jobs, decision making – everything.

So let’s step boldly into this New Year with Christ. We will live victoriously in 2015, if we take  time to sit at His feet and hear His heart concerning our lives.  Let’s not limit God by what we  can see. Instead, let’s believe that He’s started a good work in us and He will complete it (Philippians 1:6).


So, we take the limits off of God and take the limits off of ourselves!  God is in control.  Now, Welcome Victorious You to 2015.


Prayer and Reflection:  God, as we move forward into 2015, we ask that you guide our steps and movement. Show us the life that you have envisioned for us. Holy Spirit, help us adjust our attitudes, mindsets and behaviors as we align on the same page with You. Jesus, thank you for showing us what it means to walk in the Spirit. We declare that in this year we will have fulfilling relationships, walk in our destiny and with purpose, and see the Lord working in every area of our lives because You are our help.  We surrender to Your process as we are being transformed. Thank You Lord.  In Jesus’ name. Amen!