Scripture Reference: Romans 8:37-39 (NKJV)

Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.


During this coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) our normal lives as we thought we knew it has been turned upside down. Our personal lives have been challenged with so many uncertainties in the present and lend themselves to further distortion for the future. Our physical, mental, and emotional responses to the suffering amongst our families, friends, neighbors, and strangers have been overwhelming. The grief and pain we experience as we watch the news reports, realizing the worldwide reach COVID-19 has had throughout nations, as it ravishes communities globally. The world unanimously has been at a standstill with questions and no reassuring conclusive answers. The reality is this virus is “real” and has a destructive path leaving us with uncertainties, doubts, and fears that can invade our lives making things worse. But this is not where God wants us to be – in a dry place of doubts and fear. 2 Timothy 1:7 says, “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.”

This is an awesome time for every believer in Jesus Christ to arise and pray out of the love God has poured into us as His children. Romans 8:37-39 reminds us that “we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us”. He loves us now and forever. God is with you! God is with us! He will get us through this painful season. We are in this together. Let’s pray for one another, this nation, and the nations of this world. Those on the frontlines who provide care and services need to know that we are praying for them and asking the Lord to keep them safe, provide for their needs, and to help them to feel His presence, etc.

In addition to praying, God may lead you to express His love in acts of kindness, while following your local governmental mandates. God has given us technology in various forms to minister to our hurting communities. People are afraid and some are angry, but as Spirit-filled disciples of Christ, we know and believe God’s Word that we walk in His power, love, and sound mind.

Whatever the Lord leads you to pray or do during this season to usher in His love and kindness as some of us shelter in place and we all practice good social distancing skills, we do it in the Mighty Name of Jesus, under His protection and His love! We pray that in all things affecting your lives, that we will unceasingly pray, and know that God’s love is greater and mightier than this health pandemic and perhaps a “spiritual pandemic “ is being revealed in all our lives. We’re in this together as the family of God.  May the Word of God be manifested in all of us like never before during this time; and that we will draw close to Him coming out of this crisis on fire to do His will as mighty conquerors.


Prayer: Lord Jesus, we humble ourselves during this time under Your protection, grace and mercy, power, provisions, healing, wisdom, thoughts, and love. We humble ourselves under Your Name – the name of Jesus.



© April 2020 B. Evonne Hinson & STDM Shut The Door Ministries, Inc.