Romans 14:7


Recently a friend’s young 26 year old son died from a tragic injury.  As I observed how this mother cared for her paraplegic son for four years, I noticed something remarkable and yet unusual or rare in our contemporary culture. Friends, doctors, nurses and strangers rallied around this mother and son showing deep compassion and love in action during his illness and especially after his death. It was as though God poured out special favor upon them in their time of need and others were drawn to them. This was a “God Connection” without any explanation or reason.

It was very obvious that Almighty God did not intend for this family to walk their journey alone.  In the same way, His plan and purpose for you and me is to be connected to one another in the Body of Christ. God personally tells us that “None of us lives to himself” (Romans 14:7). You see my friends, the Word of God is personally written for you to receive with joy and thanksgiving; to encourage you to care about others unconditionally. We are surrounded by people we know and do not know, who cross our paths daily who need someone to care sincerely about them.  When we hear the cries coming from the “harvest fields,” let’s not react like Cain did when asked by God in Genesis 4:9, “Where is your brother Abel?” Cain’s response was, “Am I my brother’s keeper?”  Sadly, this is a popular view among many people.

This was not the case for a 16th century Christian poet named John Donne of England, who wrote an expression that became very famous: “No man is an island.” This expression was used to compose a famous song. Although the original song writer is unknown, the words used in this song are meaningful and expresses how God intends for us to live in the present by connecting to one another. The song writer pens these words on paper:

“No man is an island. No man stands alone. Each man’s joy is joy to me. Each man’s grief is my own. We need one another, so I will defend each man as my brother. Each man as my friend.”

You are probably thinking by now that this “God Connection” is difficult or this “Godly Standard” is too high to live up to because people can be complex and hard to deal with. The truth is, we can’t live up to this standard on our own; our sufficiency is from God and God alone (2 Corinthians 3:5). Let’s come together as brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ abiding in Him and connecting to one another; allowing our cup of kindness and compassion to overflow onto others.

Reflection and Prayer: Lord God, I confess that I’ve kept my life too private and have not engaged in the lives of others genuinely.  This is not the way You intend for me to live in this world as the salt and light of Christ. I surrender to Your will. Help me to love and connect to others unconditionally. Open my eyes, ears and heart spiritually to my surroundings. In Jesus Name, Amen.