John 20:1-2 “Now the first day of the week Mary Magdalene went to the tomb early, while it was still dark, and saw that the stone had been taken away from the tomb.  Then she ran and came to the Simon Peter, and to the other disciple, whom Jesus loved, and said to them, “They have taken away the Lord out of the tomb, and we do not know where they have laid Him.”

One of the most significant days of celebration for Christians throughout the world is the resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.  Just as the crowd once shouted “Hosanna” as Jesus made a triumphant entry riding a donkey before His crucifixion, Christians today rejoice and shout “He has Risen.”  In a sense, “He has risen” has become a religious cliché’ used by Christians once a year without real-time ongoing meaning in their personal lives.  All of the events, accounts and acts written in Scripture are about real people with real life stories looking for hope and change.

The Apostle John gives us an inside view of unfolding events and reactions from Jesus’ disciples after His crucifixion on the cross and burial in an empty tomb.  We see that Mary went to the tomb on the first of the week to finish burial preparation of Jesus’ body.  She expected a dead body to be in the tomb and to her surprise, the body of Jesus Christ was not there; the tomb was empty.  So Mary ran to report this alarming news to Peter and John, all three ran quickly back to the tomb. Here is where the story begins to shift and reveal the lack of understanding and the underestimated possibility of the power of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, by the disciples who were the first to be eye-witnesses that Jesus’ body was not in the tomb.

Peter, John and Mary saw the burial linen cloths lying there, and the handkerchief that was once around Jesus’ head not lying with the linen cloths, but folded together in a place by itself. The story goes on to say that Peter and John were surprised at what they saw, for they did not yet know what the Scripture had said about Jesus rising again from the dead, so they went back  to their own homes (John 20: 3-10).  At this juncture in the story, we can conclude that Peter and John’s reaction was different than Mary’s; they had an external awareness and belief as they marveled at the fact that the tomb where Jesus was buried was now empty. Scripture only states that they now believed Mary’s report of the empty tomb for themselves, and “they each went back to their own homes.” We don’t know if Peter and John expressed their grief or curiosity to each other or not, Scripture only records that they left the empty tomb and returned to their homes.

“But Mary” stood by the empty tomb weeping deeply from her heart of what could have happen to her Lord. Perhaps she couldn’t get out of her mind the precious treasures that remained in the empty tomb; the linen cloth and handkerchief neatly folded. So she sat and wept, for Mary, life could not return to normal by accepting “emptiness” of the tomb, there had to be an explanation; for if she accepted in her heart what her eyes saw, then her life would return to emptiness without hope and purpose. So, returning home was not an option for Mary, she stayed at the tomb where her heart was pondering and seeking an answer; and The Lord Jesus Christ lovingly met her in her time of need and revealed Himself “The Resurrected Christ” to her.

During this season of reflecting on the “finished” work of the cross of Jesus Christ, perhaps we should ask ourselves if we truly understand the wonderful possibilities of a new life in the resurrection of Jesus Christ and His power to transform lives.

The conduit that connects our heart, minds, and spirit to the power of a resurrected life in Christ is His Holy Spirit.  Do we “go in all the way” to see what God has in place for us, or do we instead, do a “snapshot” view and return to an unfulfilled life? The Holy Spirit leads us to “go in deep all the way.” There’s more to come, more life to live and testimonial stories to be told of our lives in Jesus Christ.

Glory to God! He is not dead! He has Risen and He’s Alive!  He is the God of the living!  Let’s rejoice and give Him the Glory and Praise by living in His power daily. Let’s join in unity in declaring that He is our King and the King of Kings, Lord of Lords and the Risen Savior and Redeemer. Amen!

Have a Blessed Resurrection Day (LIFE) of Celebration.