“Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 3:13

The meaning of starting a new calendar year is different for everyone. For some, it means new experiences, challenges, stuck in what appears to be a rut; and for others keeping the tradition of making New Year resolutions.  I confess that making New Years resolutions never worked to my spiritual benefit or profit.  I ended up carrying over incomplete goals into the new year, and I’m not alone in rolling over incomplete stuff, millions of people do the same.  However, we find ourselves carrying over discouragement and failure of what was not apprehended in the previous year, all under the umbrella of “new resolutions”.  First, we should perhaps define the definition of “resolution”. There are two meanings: (1) a firm decision to do or not to do something, (2) to solve a problem. Both definitions can be positive if applied according to God’s plan and will for our lives as He has spoken in His Word.   Our Heavenly Father (Daddy) established His covenant with us in Christ which stands for eternity.  He does not want us to settle for the past regardless of circumstances, He tells us to let go and press forward in Christ Jesus by forgetting what’s behind.  Trying to forget an unprofitable past in our own strength is impossible, we need the Holy Spirit to help as we stand firm in the living faith of Christ Jesus. Our Heavenly Father has made us complete in Christ with nothing lacking.  We have been blessed and given the gift of a new year with new mercies and abundant living.  God knows the end with beginnings in mind. In relational terms, God knows you and I personally. He knows about the unresolved “ends” in our lives and already has “beginnings” in mind and established in eternity for His children, all because of His enormous love for us.  So, let’s enter God’s presence this new year, seeking the treasures of the Kingdom of Heaven, so that Christ Jesus can add the things we need to serve and live out our purpose.

Prayer and Reflection:  Lord Jesus, we are thankful for Your eternal love and grace poured into our lives daily in 2014.  For this reason alone, we give You the Glory and Praise.  We dare not continue to hold on to, or bind our past failures to our lives? Jesus Christ set us free and made us complete in Him. Gracious Lord, we commit our minds, heart and soul in seeking to enter your Holy Presence this new year of 2015.  In faith we believe that we can do all things through You, who strengthens us.